Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Why does a girl like me care about Lent?

For most of my life Lent meant something to my friends and nothing to me... friends with ash on their foreheads and giving up Dr. Pepper, chips, and candy. Fridays were vegetarian, for lunch we had to go to Pizza Hut for cheese pizza, but we couldn't touch the Dr. Pepper. I was intrigued by the idea but also thankful that I didn't have to give up anything.  I could drink my Dr. Pepper and have pepperoni on my pizza. I was thankful to be an evangelical, there was no ash for me, no giving up for Lent, no preparation for the Easter season.

But now, I've been counting down the days until Lent, until Ash Wednesday.  I won't be giving up pop, chips or candy and I'll still have a burger on Friday, but my heart enters into the Lenten season with awe.  My heart longs for awe, not the giving up of trivial things, but living in the continual attitude of awe.  Awe because the universe was created with a word.  Awe because the same Jesus that was a part of creating the universe came as a human baby.  Awe because that baby was both man and God and lived a holy life.  Awe because he chose to be the pure blameless sacrifice.  Awe because His being a sacrifice for me means that I now get to enter into His eternal life.

Lent comes from the Old English word meaning spring or the lengthening of days. Spring, that thing we long for after a cold snowy winter, where death turns to life and new growth pushes away the old, where our skin is warmed by the burst of sunlight and energy returns to our bodies.  Lent, a season that historically the church observed as a time of fasting, of remembering the suffering of our Savior that ends with the celebration of Easter, the ultimate spring when death is forever conquered and eternal life forever available. For me Lent won't be all about the giving up of trivial things but rather hanging onto to the eternal things.  It will be seeing the places where I have been asked to share in Christ's sufferings and fast from the triviality of this world.  This girl cares about Lent because it awakens awe and stirs up wonder and breathes mystery into her very human existence.

And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering.
Romans 8:17

For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for him. We are in this struggle together. You have seen my struggle in the past, and you know that I am still in the midst of it.
Philippians 1:29-30

Saturday, March 1, 2014

before its too late....

When is it too late, too late to show up to a party, too late to call a friend, too late to pay a bill, too late for the rain to fall, too late for a library book to be found, too late to say, "I'm sorry".

As humans we can't seem to get the timing right. When it comes to spending money, we spend too soon. When it comes to bailing on a hard situation, we jump ship before the refining is complete. But when it comes to resolving relationship we wait too long.

Before GPS, Paul and I noticed that we gave up finding the location just before our turn off. We even had to start disciplining ourselves to say, we always quit too soon, we better drive a little longer.

There are so many things I'm tempted to quit on, not go the extra mile. There are so many times I don't want to wait on God to provide, I want to do it in my own timing. I want to learn to be quick to say I'm sorry and slow to be angry. Its so easy to do it backwards... quick to be angry, slow to say I'm sorry.

But God is not like us, everything happens when it should. He provides the rain before its too late. He provides for our needs at just the right time. He brings us our children at just the right time. He heals our hearts before its too late.

God, grant me the humility to stick with you, to submit to your timing. To be present with you in the moment you have placed me. To love deeply those around me by remembering to be quick to apologize and slow to anger. Grant me the peace to stick to your pace, not to run ahead and the focus to not be distracted. God, you are never late. You established time, you command time, you are not worried about time. So right here, right now I submit myself to your time.