Monday, August 6, 2012


Its here... vacation time!  I have to repeat it because I almost can't believe it.... vacation time!  We are that dreaded couple that promises vacations to our kids but August roles around and we've been busy with camps and now we are busy getting ministries ready for the school year.  This year we decided that we would not be swayed... we are going on a vacation.  So tonight we leave and venture on a road trip extraordinaire.  There is adventure waiting around every corner and anticipation is building.  We will see the deepest canyon and the largest ocean and the most amazing bridge.  Superlatives will abound!!!!

Which makes me think... isn't this what my spiritual life is, a road trip extraordinaire.  There is adventure around every corner.  Jesus keeps begging me to join the adventure.  To see the deepest canyons and dip my toes in the largest ocean and walk along the most amazing bridges.  On this journey joy will be found, healing will come, and peace will reign.... superlatives will abound!  But I wait...I wait for the right time... I wait to be less tired, more awake... I wait for the kids to be more quiet... I wait for desire and then the lightbulb moment, just like I have to put the vacation on the calendar and prepare for it, I will have to put my spiritual journey on the calendar.  And anticipate all the amazing moments that will come.  To sit and lose myself in the presence of Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Are you coming my way???? [totally can't remember if the Pacific is the largest - lol]
