Monday, February 4, 2013

its okay

its okay... to be hungry
its okay... to be less than warm
its okay... to be tired
its okay... to feel empty
its okay... to be in need
its okay be uncomfortable
its okay... to not have a "perfect" body
its okay... to have weakness

I had a light bulb moment awhile ago. I realized that far too much of my life had become a pursuit of comfort. So I have taken the last month to be thankful and to repeat to myself over and over those statements at the top. To realize that at times I will be tired and at times I will have energy. At times I will be empty and at others my soul will be overflowing. At times I will be cold, seriously, I live in Wyoming, but its an opportunity to wear a really cute sweater and boots. At times my strengths will not line up with the task at hand and I will have to grow and I will have to ask for help and thats okay. At times my bathroom will be really gross but guess what, I probably got to read to my kids that day or maybe I had coffee with a friend or made dinner for someone, regardless, who cares about the bathroom. Sometimes I won't be caught up, but what is caught up anyway? What I am saying is.... its okay to be me and its okay to ride the waves of life. God is there in the hunger and the cold, he fills up my longing and brings rest to my weary body. He knows need and provides for me in that moment. He created me, every single cell, he created me! He knows my weakness, all of it and he has still created good works for me to complete.

Although there were still some bumps in the road this month..... there was freedom in saying ...its okay

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